Minutes and Presentations of the Dog-Handler Workshop on April 2018 in Passo Rolle, Trentino, Italy.
Producer and provider of our ICAR Video Library and ICAR Social Media Postings (external links).
The IFMGA (UIAGM, IVBV) is an international association of mountain guide associations worldwide. Their bylaws unfortunately do not allow them to be a member in another organization like ICAR.
Project of the associative member IFMGA and the scientific member WSL-SLF. Project initiated by Manuel Genswein. UIAA is in collaboration with MountainSafety.info (external link).
Administered by Klaus Opperer, known of our member organization BWB, Germany (external link).
Website administrated by Avalanche Warning Service Tyrol in Innsbruck, Austria (external link).
Website of the American Avalanche Association & the National Avalanche Center, USA (external link).
Follow the link to Montana State University Library Digital Initiatives (external link).
Website of our ICAR Honorary Member (external link).
EENA is a non-governmental organisation based in Brussels, Belgium with the mission to contribute improving the safety and security of people (external link).