The 72nd assembly is expected to take place virtially on October 23, 2021. It will include the postponed ordinary elections (originally scheduled for 2020). Click for more details...
Submission deadline is August 15, 2020. Click for details...
Event cancelled due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, click for details...
October 10/11 and 17/18, 2020 / 17:00-20:35 CEST. Organized by the Technical Committee of the ICAR Executive Board, click for details...
2021 Virtual congress and Assembly of delegates - PROGRAM/SCHEDULE Register now!
Video footage from the last and previous ICAR Conventions produced for ICAR by Topograph Media, with great thanks to the loyal ICAR Media Production Partners PETZL, PMI & TYROMONT.
May 26-30, 2020 in Račkova, Pribylina, Slovakia. Hosted/organized by HZS Horská Záchranná Služba, Slovakia. Click for more details and the registration form (deadline: March 31, 2020)...
October 9-12, 2019 in Zakopane, Poland. Hosted/organized by TOPR Tatrańskie Ochotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe (https://icar2019.com/)
October 17-20, 2018 in Chamonix, France. Jointly hosted/organized by all French ICAR Member Organizations: ANENA, ENSA, FFME, GSM (www.icar-chamonix2018.com/en).
October 18-21, 2017 in Soldeu, Andorra. Hosted/organized by DEPEIS-GRM Bombers d'Andorra / Grup de Rescat de Muntanya (www.icar-andorra2017.ad/en/).