Website of the American Avalanche Association & the National Avalanche Center, USA (external link).
Follow the link to Montana State University Library Digital Initiatives (external link).
Website of our ICAR Honorary Member (external link).
EENA is a non-governmental organisation based in Brussels, Belgium with the mission to contribute improving the safety and security of people (external link).
CalTopo is the creation of Matt Jacobs as a solution to some challenges facing search and rescue members (external links).
What3Words provides a precise and incredibly simple way to talk about location, by dividing the world into a grid of 3m x 3m squares and assigning each one a unique 3 word address (external link).
Prevention video, produced by La Chamoniarde (Society for prevention and mountain rescue) in Chamonix, France (external links).
EASA is an Agency of the European Union with Responsibility for Civil Aviation Safety (external links).
The Federal Aviation Administration is an operating mode of the US Department of Transportation (external link).
Why Tracking is still a valuable Art and Science, by Hull'sTracking School, USA & Europe (external links).