Web-based free online translator (external link).
WeTransfer is a simple way to send around large files up to 2 GB. Founded in 2009, based in the Netherlands and in the USA (external link).
Dropbox brings your files together, in one central place. They're easy to find and safely synced across all your devices - so you can access them anytime, anywhere (external link).
Development and maintainance of ambitious web applications (external link).
October 18-21, 2017 in Soldeu, Andorra. Hosted/organized by DEPEIS-GRM Bombers d'Andorra / Grup de Rescat de Muntanya (www.icar-andorra2017.ad/en/).
Soldeu, Andorra.
2 Videos with highlights from our Conference in Andorra 2017
Alpine Emergency Medicine Commission - Recommendation 0035 - First Aid Kit (Issued 2017)
Alpine Emergency Medicine Commission - Recommendations 0034 - Canyoning Guidelines (Issued 2017)
Minutes and Presentations from our Joint Meeting together with all commissions on October 21st in Soldeu, Andorra.