Some pictures from a successful Congress
Franz STAEMPFLI (ARS Alpine Rettung Schweiz).
Marie Nordgren (SVERO)
Markus Hölzl (Bergwacht Bayern)
Gebhard BARBISCH (ÖBRD Österreichischer Bergrettungsdienst).
The ICAR Terrestrial Rescue Commission is concerned with all aspects of technical ground search and rescue techniques, particularly in mountainous environments. Terrestrial rescue is not only a transportation issue, getting patients from a place of predicament to a place of care, and there is a b...
Stephanie THOMAS (TCSAR Teton County Search and Rescue)
One of the main goals and tasks of the ICAR Avalanche Rescue Commission is to provide a platform to present avalanche search and rescue systems. The exchange of experience and the discussions at our meetings help to gain new insights and to transfer the knowledge to the practice.
A main task of ...
Charley SHIMANSKI (MRA Mountain Rescue Association, USA).
The ICAR Air Rescue Commission consists of experts, pilots, HEMS crew members and hoist operators from all ICAR member organizations. The ICAR Air Rescue Commission tasks, goals and targets are the same as for ICAR: sharing our experience, learning from others and working on prevention.
The comm...