2004 - Minutes of the Workshop of the Avalanche Rescue Commission on January 16th, 17th and 18th
16 Jan 2004
The minutes and annexes of this congress can be found hereafter.
20040116-18-AVA Minutes Diavolezza
(PDF) 51.5 KBDownload
20040116-18-AVA Procès verbale Diavolezza
(PDF) 18.7 KBDownload
20040116-18-AVA Protokoll Diavolezza
(PDF) 64.3 KBDownload
20040116-AVA Ortovox Mehrfachverschüttung
(PDF) 3.1 MBDownload
20040116-AVA TSL Avalanche Rescue Bag
(PPT) 4.46 MBDownload
20040117-AVA SAC Avalanche Dog-Handler
(PDF) 1.25 MBDownload
20040117-AVA SAC Eisrettung / Secours en cascade de glace
(PDF) 9.56 MBDownload
20040117-AVA SAC Lawinenrettung
(PDF) 12.6 MBDownload
20040117-AVA SLF Erfolg Lawinen-Notfallsysteme
(PPT) 10.5 MBDownload
20040118-AVA CNSAS SNATE Lawineneinsatztechnik
(PPT) 8.29 MBDownload
20040118-AVA SMF Probing Technique in France
(PPT) 6.11 MBDownload
20040118-AVA SMF Sondiertechnik in Frankreich
(PPT) 5.25 MBDownload
20040118-AVA SMF Technique de sondage en France
(PPT) 5.22 MBDownload