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A Modular First Aid Kit for Alpinists, Mountain Guides and Alpinist Physicians

31 Dec 1998

Terrestrial Rescue - Bikeunfall-Netschelweg


The content of a backpack modular first aid kit depends on the medical knowledge of the user: "only use what you know how to use".
Therefore we propose a modular first aid kit that takes into consideration the instruction level of the user. The alpinist with only basic medical information will be satisfied with the basic module. From the professional guide we can expect greater knowledge and experience. He or she should take courses of a higher level and can then use the extension module for guides in addition to the basic module.

Physicians who do mountaineering often have difficulties to compose a small but nevertheless useful first aid kit. We propose that they take, in the same box, the three proposed modules.
The content of the three modules is complementary. It will have to be adapted, by the respective physicians, to the legal requirements of the various countries and to the availability of drugs.


Please look at the attached file for the complete recommendation!
