ICAR AirCom Recommendations - Inviting Comments from Members and Stakeholders
In the next few months, the ICAR Air Rescue Commission (AirCom) leadership will begin a review of our ICAR AirCom Recommendations. These Recommendations have been developed over many years of ICAR Air Rescue Commission meetings, but have not been recently reviewed. The AirCom leadership will lead discussions about whether any Recommendations need to be revised, deleted, or added. We currently invite ICAR Members and other interested stakeholders to review these Recommendations, and email your thoughts to AirCom President Charley Shimanski, at air.rescue(at)alpine-rescue.org
Please go to the ICAR website HERE for more information on the ICAR AirCom Recommendations.
Comments can be made to ICAR AirCom President Charley Shimanski, at air.rescue(at)alpine-rescue.org.
ICAR AirCom Recommendations as of 2023-04-03
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